What is recurrence? Recurrence is when you need the same shift covered repeatedly over a span of time. This functionality may be familiar to you if you’ve ever used any kind of calendar or task-management software (such as MS Outlook), or backup software.

1. Click on the 'Recurring' radio button, this will change the panel to Recurrence mode, presenting you with all of the various options for setting up a repeating shift.

2. Follow steps 2-7 of the previous instructions “Booking an Assignment for a Client”.

3. The Recurrence options are as follows:

Recurrence Pattern
How often, and on what specific days the assignment will repeat. You can select between daily, weekly, and monthly patterns, and on how often during those patterns it will repeat.
Range of recurrence
This is how long you want the assignment to repeat, by setting a start and end date. If the end date does not coincide with a scheduled assignment, then the closest previous assignment will be the last day that an assignment is created on.
In case you want to monitor on your own whether to recreate a recurrence after it finishes or want it to automatically renew upon completion, this section will allow you to set when and who to be reminded that a series is ending. Reminders can be set to be sent 1, 3, or 7 days before the end of this series, and automatically-renewing series will start again on the next scheduled date after the previous one ends. Fill the checkbox of any admin user you want to be reminded, and they'll receive an email reminder on the specified day before it ends.

For example, a series beginning in march, that is set with an end date of Jun 4th will not wait until next march to renew, it will renew immediately.

4. Click on the ‘Create Assignment’ button to add this booking to the queue.

Multiple requests can be queued up before sending, but unlike a Temp assignment, only one recurring 'assignment' can be created at once. You cannot specify a '# of Assignments'. When you click on the ‘Create Assignment’ button, it will be queued but not sent. This will allow you to delete any recurrences you’ve made in error or that are no longer required, or add more requests without needing to repeatedly go back to step 1.

5. When you’re done adding requests, click the ‘Send Assignments’ button at the bottom and the assignment bookings will be added to the Scheduler as Assignment Tags. Events will also be appended to the Event Log.

Personnel cannot be directly added to series assignments from the queue. Once you’ve sent the assignments, you can check the Recurring Shifts area to assign people, or assign them as normal in the Assignments Calendar. See Dealing with Recurring Shifts for more info.