The Places Management subsection is where you define cities or towns for use elsewhere in the system. In order minimize user error due to misspellings of place names, they’re entered into the system manually and provided by dropdown box where applicable, rather than by allowing text entry. By default, locations are sorted alphabetically, although you can sort by city or province/state name.

1. To reach it, click on the Settings icon. This will open the Settings menu. Pick ‘Places Management’ from the menu, and the Places Management subsection will open.

2. To add a new Place, click on the ‘New Place’ button. This will bring up the ‘New Place’ window.

3. Choose the province or state that the place is within, then enter the place’s name.

4. Click ‘Create’ to save this place, or ‘Cancel’ to discard it. This will add it to the list of places, and also place it into use in any dropdowns that make use of it.

5. To edit a place, click on the edit icon on the right side of the Places Management window to bring up the Places editor. Change the information as you require, and click the ‘Save’ button to save the changes. If you decide instead to discard the changes, click the ‘Cancel’ button to back out.

6. To delete a place, click the trash can icon beside that entry and a confirmation will pop up. If you’re sure, click OK and it will be deleted.

If your places list is large, you can use the filter dropdown or search to filter them. Enter your search and the places that match will be displayed. To clear your search, just delete your query. To use the filter dropdown, just select a province or state from it, and only places within that province or state will be shown.