1. Click on the Reports icon in the toolbar. This will bring up the Reports menu. Select ‘Report Builder’ from the menu. This leads to the Custom Report Builder section.

2. To create a new report, click on the ‘+Create new report’ button. This will bring up a dialog with all of the options

3. Choose a name for this report (we’ll use ‘123 Client Report), and then select what type you want it to me - Client, Personnel, or Shift-based. Depending on the type you choose, the system will give you different columns and criteria to choose from. We’ll use a ‘shift’ type. 4. Choose which columns you want to appear in your report. For our example, we’ll choose ID, Personnel Type, Personnel, and Duration. You can select multiple columns by holding CTRL and clicking on more than one.

4. Choose which columns you want to appear in your report. For our example, we’ll choose ID, Personnel Type, Personnel, and Duration. You can select multiple columns by holding CTRL and clicking on more than one.

5. Choose which column you want the report to be sorted by.

6. (optional) Choose criteria to filter your report by, by clicking on the + icon to bring up a selection field. If no criteria are chosen, it will just show everything that matches. Multiple criteria can be matched together by clicking the + again and adding more criteria. For our example, we’ll use ‘client’ is equal to (=), and click in the text field on the right to choose a client.

7. Click the ‘Create’ button and the report will be created under the dropdown box shown at the beginning.

8. Choose your new report from the dropdown, and it will display the results on the screen.

That’s it, you’re set!