1. Click on the Reports icon in the toolbar. This will bring up the Reports menu. Select ‘Billing Reports’ from the menu. This leads to the Billing Reports section.
2. Choose your reporting criteria. In this case, we’ll want a date between the 1st and 6th of June. By default, it’s set to show results for all clients, but you can limit the display to individual clients if you’d like.
3. The report will update automatically whenever you change a date or client selection.
4. Clicking the ‘Show details’ checkbox will show some additional options - a ‘Billing Type’ column and options for showing either the specific type(s) of billing or the class (hourly, piece, etc...) of the billing type.
5. The billing report will also let you mark assignments as ‘cleared’ for the purposes of billing your client. Clearing an assignment will let you know that, whenever you generate a report, that assignment has been billed, so that you never double-bill a client by accident. Assignments will also clear automatically when exported to MS Dynamics or Quickbooks. You can filter between all, cleared, or not-cleared entries.
6. Clicking ‘Print Statement’ will create an HTML printable billing statement for you.