There are a few other things you can do to manage your personnel.
To delete, enable, or disable a personnel member, just click on the trash can icon to the right of their listing. The system will ask you to confirm the deletion (because this can’t be undone!). Click OK and they’re gone.
To enable or disable a personnel member, click the checkbox or X on the right side of the screen near the trash can. Disabling someone means that they will not show up in any personnel pickers.
If you click on a personnel’s email address, it will open a new email window for you to contact them directly by email. Enter any subject and content you’d like as in a normal email.
1. To use ‘Mass update’, first select the personnel you want to modify by filling the checkboxes to the left of their entries.
2. Click on the ‘Mass update’ button. This will bring up a windows
where you can select what to update, and how. Enter whatever changes you
want to make, and click the ‘Save’ button to make the changes. Everyone
you’ve selected will now have that new information set in their
If your personnel list is large, you can use the search field or filter drop down to filter make it more manageable. Enter your search and the personnel that match will be displayed, or pick a specific personnel type from the dropdown.