Click on the personnel’s profile picture, ID, or name to reach their Personnel Profile section.

The Personnel Profile is where the meat of the functionality resides. This is where you’ll set what qualifications and accreditations your personnel has, their availability, any notes or custom payment info, add locations they they can’t work at, and enable or disable certain of Staffpoint™’s functions.

1a.  Click on the Qualifications tab. This is the place to manage a personnel’s qualifications, what Personnel Type(s) they fall under, and some basic ratings (which influence their score in the assignment details when looking for someone to work an assignment, see page 18)

1b. Managing personnel qualifications is just like managing Custom Requirements for an assignment (see page 24). To recap, click on a green arrow to add it to their repertoire, or a red one to remove it. Qualifications that this personnel holds will be in the list on the upper left. See pg 69 for how to manage Qualifications.

1c. Personnel types work the same way as qualifications - click to add or remove, and they’ll move into the list on the left or leave it.

1d. Lastly, the Appropriateness setting is entirely up to you. This is basically where you will rate this personnel based on your impressions of them. How good/bad their attitude is, how professional they are, and how willing they are to drive a long distance to work. The ratings are from 1 to 5, and will influence (along with other factors - see pg 64 on Scheduling Preferences) how personnel are scored in an assignment’s personnel picker.

Next, you can set the personnel member’s availability. There are two ways to do
this: you can set it yourself here if they’ve given you their schedule, or they can set it
themselves through their Personnel Panel.

2a.  The default display is of the two weeks beginning on the current day. You can
change the days that are displayed by clicking on the calendar picker in the upper
left corner.

2b. To set availability, click anywhere in the grid. The days of the month are along the side (each row is a day). By default, the day row you’ve clicked in will be the start/end day of the availability time you’re setting.

2c. Pick a date (or leave it as default) and a time range you want to set for this.

There are three types of availability that the system recognizes: ‘Available’  (green), ‘Not Available’ (red), and ‘Not Set’ (blank).  The former two are self-explanatory, but ‘Not Set’ is basically a default for any time that one of the two explicit states aren’t set.

The system uses this availability data to determine (along with many other variables) the best person for the job, when booking assignments.

2d. If you know that this period of availability will repeat over a number of days, fill the ‘Recurring daily...’  checkbox. This will repeat the availability period, rather than running it for the whole time specified. You can also specify which days to recur on.

Recurring availability might be useful for someone who is regularly available or unavailable, while a long swath might be useful for someone who is on vacation. The next tab deals with Accreditations.

3a.  Accreditations can be added by clicking the ‘New Accreditation’ button in the upper right corner. This will bring up the Accreditation editor.

3b. Fill out all of the fields, and optionally upload a scan/document of the appropriate certificate. Many formats are valid, including .jpg, .pdf, .xls, and more. You can set a time before expiry that you want the personnel member to be reminded to renew it upon login, and optionally, if you fill the ‘Mandatory’ checkbox and the accreditation is expired, the personnel member will be unable to log into their personnel panel. Click the Save button to save the Accreditation.

The Notes tab is where you can write up notes on a personnel member. Notes are un-editable to prevent fraud and the changing of personnel history, and can be made ‘keep on top’ (stays at the top of the list) or private (only you can view).

4a.  The required fields are ‘Title’ and ‘Text’. The ‘Category’ is for you to organize these by what they’re about. Click ‘Create’ to save the note, or ‘Cancel’ to discard it. ‘Keep on Top’ will ensure that this note stays at the top of the list, for visibility, and you can limit who can read the notes by choosing ‘Public’, ‘Internal’ (the default), or ‘Private’.

4b. The main note view shows you an excerpt of the note, as well as when/who created it, its category, and icons for ‘keep on top’ and ‘private’ (for private/internal notes).

The next tab is Personnel rates. This is where you can set any specific rates that this person may have. For example, if John has some sort of seniority bonus on his hourly rate, he might get paid more than the default billing type rate.

The order of precedence for rates is as follows: the Billing Type Rate is the lowest, followed by Personnel Type Rates. Any customized Personnel Rates will supersede the Billing Type Rates and Personnel Type Rates. Finally, any Client Rates (see pg 42) will over-ride both Personnel and Billing Type Rates.

5a.  Click on the + icon beside the rate you want to customize. A text box will appear to the left of it where you can enter the rate per action (time, weight, distance, etc... as defined in Billing Types Management.

5b. When you’re satisfied, click the disk icon and your changes will be saved.

The final tab is the ‘Exclude’ list. The purpose of it is to specify which clients/locations that this personnel member isn’t allowed to work at. In this case, it will tell the system to not place this personnel in any personnel picker lists for any assignments at this location. Why use this? There may be union rules, personal interactions, or something else that precludes someone from working somewhere. Because you wouldn’t want to assign them there by accident, you’d use this.

6.  Managing the Exclude list is similar to managing Custom Requirements for an assignment (see page 25), with one small difference - you can select either an entire client, adding all of their locations to this person’s list, or just individual locations. To recap, click on a green arrow to add a location to their ‘blacklist’, or a red one to remove it. Locations on their Exclude list will be in the list on the upper left.